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Just like the name indicates, Chatanative is a language chatting website that offers users an opportunity to practice conversations with native speakers of the language of their choice. Everyone agrees that there is no better experience in any language speaking than the one straight from the horse’s mouth. The natural delivery speed of the language, and the natural pronunciation, give the learners the first hand experience they need to emulate and perform their speaking skills confidently.   Keen to speak English? You would also want to brush up your English conversation skills. After all, communicating with people whether for information or fun, is a major reason why we learn a new language –

Books, electronic media, and online tools may help you learn the language, but for competency in speaking, nothing compares practising and learning with humans.

The platform only offers the listening and speaking of the languages available on the website.

The procedure is simple, register with Chatanative, book your lessons and your time with the appropriate payment, choose a teacher of your preference, receive your lesson, and off you go. at the end of your lesson, your teacher sends your feedback to your through the site email

Your lesson will take a form of free conversation session with a native teacher and speaker of the language, on any topic of your choice for the period of time booked by you.

Grammar and Sentence Mistakes

Although you are only offered Listening and Speaking skills of the language, you will also get the opportunity to correct your grammar and sentence mistakes by your teacher during and after the lesson through the feedback given.

Where  you can practise English conversations online

You don’t have to reside in  English-speaking countries to meet English speakers. There are several ways you can improve your conversation skills online. Here are three easy methods we recommend.

1.  Language discussion with native speakers

Language students can benefit from interacting with native speakers of their new language.  When you are learning a new language,  feedback from everyday users and speakers of the language is very helpful. Books can teach you vocabulary, but people are best when you need to know how the language is actually used in the real world.

 On Chatanative,  you receive direct  feedback on your work from native English speakers. No doubt, computers can tell you what’s technically correct, just as we do, but our vibrant language learners community makes all the difference for those wanting to improve conversation skills.


2. English dialogue drills

And our third recommendation for improving your conversation skills? Listening to dialogues.

Listening to dialogues and using dialogue exercises can help you improve your listening skills in any language. Hearing native speakers chat to each other can help you improve your accent, stretch your vocabulary, and speed up your listening comprehension time.

We recommend using dialogue exercises that are related to what you’re learning where you can hear the words spoken, see them written, and then see them translated into your native language all in one place. Oh, and that just happens to be exactly how we work dialogues into our language courses on Chatanative.


Conversational English topics and phrases for every level

Now we’ve covered how to practise. But what exactly should you be practising? Here are a few topics that make sense for learners to use to practise language conversations, grouped by A1 (beginner), B1 (intermediate), and B2 (advanced) level subjects. For instance, in Conversational English for the three levels.


Basic English conversation topics for beginners

        • Introducing yourself – hello, how are you, my name is, I am from…
        • Jobs (basic)
        • Pets
        • Favourite foods
        • Family members

Intermediate English conversation topics

        • What’s going on at work
        • Shopping
        • Weather
        • Vacations and travel
        • Comparisons

Advanced English conversation topics

        • Advanced job topics, business
        • Frustrations and fears
        • Politics and news
        • Sports and culture
        • Mental health

You can  achieve fluency and accuracy in your spoken in language speaking, but every English learner achieves these differently.  However, there are easy ways to improve in a considerably short period of time. Some of the tips to achieve fluency and accuracy are suggested here below:


1. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes

Your aim is to give a messagewith the right grammar and vocabulary. No one expects you tospeak perfect English all the time. Even native English speakers are not exempt from mistakes!


2. Practise, practise, practise

Practice makes perfect. Constantly look for opportunities to test out your spoken English. Chatanative online English classes, for instance, are interactive, 30-minute group lessons, guided by a professional teacher. They are a great way to practise speaking English and learn faster in a fun, safe environment.


3. Listen

The more you hear a language, the easier it will be for you to speak it better . You’ll start speaking more fluently and confidently in  conversations, start learning how to give your opinions  with new expressions and idioms.


4. Think in the Language

Go from speaking good to great  by thinking in the language. You’ll find it difficult at first, but after some time you’ll learn how to switch between speaking your new language and your first language.


5. Speak to yourself

It will look funny, but by talking to yourself in English in front of the mirror for each day, you’ll learn to pronounce every letter in the language alphabet, and when and how to use various expressions. You’ll also discover where you make most of the mistakes.


6. Tongue twisters

Tongue twisters help improve your diction, and teach you how to speak quickly. Practise with tricky sayings like this: “The thirty-three thieves thought that they thrilled the throne throughout Thursday”.


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